
Wind turbines (Photo: Colourbox)
05 MAY

New method for monitoring and diagnosing wind turbine faults

Researchers from DTU have developed a simple method for monitoring wind turbines using the symmetry created by the wind turbine when the blades rotate.

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology and automation Wind energy
04 AUG

At the forefront of solar power

Sunshine can be hard to predict. However, new software will make it possible to predict the electricity production from a photovoltaic (solar cell) system.

Energy and supply Solar energy Wind energy Software and programming Computer calculations
04 AUG

På forkant med solkraften

Det er vanskeligt at forudsige, hvor meget solen vil skinne. Men ny software betyder, at man kan forudsige, hvor meget strøm et solcelleanlæg vil producere.

Energy and supply Solar energy Wind energy Software and programming Computer calculations
20 MAY

Videnskab serveret på et sommerligt sølvfad

Virkelighed og videnskab forenes, når Science in the City indtager hovedstaden i juni måned. Her kan nysgerrighed på fremtidens teknologiske løsninger afprøves ved flere...

Marine research Biotechnology Energy and supply Environment and pollution Physics Construction and mechanics Transport and logistics Health technology Wind energy
Vindmøller LM Wind Power
16 DEC

3D film skal sikre Danmarks førerposition indenfor energiteknologier

Det Strategiske Forskningsråd har netop bevilliget 23 mio. DKK til en forskningsalliance mellem DTU, Københavns Universitet og industrien. Målet er at udvikle metoder...

Energy and supply Energy efficiency Fuel cells Physics Environment and pollution Air pollution Wind energy Materials Metals and alloys Micro and nanotechnology Materials technology

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